Black company in Japanese

What is Black Company ?
Have you ever heard before ?
We call company which employee feel very tough to work or is illegal.
These Companies require hard work , over time without payment.
Less compliance , many harassments.
And these environments cause employee’s suicide sometimes.
There are a lot of Black Companies.

refer from Black Companies Map (Blacklist from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
There is Black Company award every year.
It began from 2012.
10 companies are nominated and award 4 , 5 companies.
There are big famous companies like Hitachi (Big electric manufacture) , KDDI (one of top Internet Carriers) , Dentsu (Biggest Advertise company).
Last year , MSEC won Award.
Congratulation !
MSEC is the company related to Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Big electric manufacture).
There are 5 Labor accident cases and 2 of them are dead.
They won award 2018.
But there is another suicide case in 2019.
That is reason they could win the award.
You can see detail here. (Japanese)
Can you learn words about Black company ?
Black ブラック ぶらっく Burakku
Company 企業 きぎょう Kigyou
Labor Accident 労災 ろうさい Rousai